foot · work dic·tio·nary ˈfu̇t-ˌwərk ˈdik-shə-ˌner-ē
— : b-boy Focus’ new course demystifying the code to truly awe-inspiring footwork
foot · work dic·tio·nary ˈfu̇t-ˌwərk ˈdik-shə-ˌner-ē
— : b-boy Focus’ new course demystifying the code to truly awe-inspiring footwork
What’s up y’all. This is b-boy Focus of the world renowned Flow Mo Crew, here to talk to you about my latest course (and possibly last ever).
For nearly 3 decades, I’ve learned under pioneers like Ken Swift, Wiggles, and Storm, battled my way to the top, winning and judging the biggest battles on the planet.
Now I coach the world’s top breakers alongside complete beginners, to help them reach their goals faster.
Back in December, I decided to do a footwork month just for fun (and to promote my course, Footwork Essentials). I ended up falling back in love all over again with the art & science of footwork.
I asked myself, “what are the basics of footwork?”
Originally I meant to film the answer as a bonus for Footwork Essentials. But then I kept labbing ideas… and before I knew it, I started getting ideas for a course, scripted it and then hit record.
This is the result.
(Giving you the power to embarrass anyone in the cyphers – on command – with just your footwork 😈 )
(Giving you the power to embarrass anyone in the cyphers – on command – with just your footwork 😈 )
I recorded 40 clips with 3 modules, each breaking down my 3 step process to reaching elite-level footwork:
Everyone starts here, but too many people forget these rules. I revisit the footwork foundation, teaching you the tools you need to be complete in your footwork.
Knowing is not enough. I show you how to master the tools through the science of footwork.
Only once you master the rules, can you start breaking the rules to become truly free in your footwork. I show you how to do that with the “Secret Foundation”, aka The Special Technique of the Dojo.
It’s so simple… but took me nearly 3 decades to understand it deeply enough to teach it to you right now.
And the price I’m charging?
Just 1 hour with me 1-on-1 can go up to $250.
But I’m selling this course (including life-time access) for only $199.
$199 for nearly 3 decades of footwork knowledge, distilled into 3 steps.
I almost feel like I’m getting robbed 🥲
But since I don’t battle much anymore, there’s no point anymore to keeping it all to myself.
Here’s what’s inside the course:
This is where you “learn the rules” by learning the 14 moves of the Foundation.
I go deeper than I ever have on each one, sharing the history of how I learned it from the OG’s. This section is good for complete beginners, but I’ve packed enough details to keep even a veteran b-boy inspired.
Once you’ve learned the rules, it’s time to master them. I show you techniques for making everything look fresh – even if the moves themselves are still basics. You can’t skip this one! Without it, module 3 is a waste of time.
In this module, I show you how to “break the rules” through the 8 secret foundation moves that I won’t ever teach again:
The Secret Pretzel: the pretzel that never made it to Storm’s DVD! which he taught me years ago
360 CC’s: how I used the headspin leg swing concept with CC’s
Nordic Sweep combos: how many Nordic breakers used front and back sweeps to get more flow in their style
Bouncin’ CC’s: how I break the rule of “no bouncing” in your footwork to make something fresh
The Double CC Spin: my first ever original move I came up with from my old Midpoint Rocker tapes
CC Style Footwork: the move that’s helped me win Rock Steady Crew anniversary battle and countless footwork battles that I haven’t seen done in 2 decades
The Floating Air Shuffles: shows you how to combine different ideas with basic foundation to make entirely new moves
Hook spins: a dynamic infinite signature pattern from my IBE Footwork battle days
So just to recap.
For $199 you’ll get lifetime access to The Footwork Dictionary, including 3 modules that take you through the 3-step process to footwork mastery: learning the rules, mastering the rules, and breaking the rules.