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Lessons Learned from My Battle Against Boogie Brats

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Who’s the illest b-boy or b-girl you’ve ever battled?

Sometimes, we want that easy win, but what’ll carry you further in your path as a dancer, are those match-ups against the best.

One of my toughest battles was when Hat Solo and I faced Casper and K-Mel of the Boogie Brats, in the semi-finals at Coosh Crash Test in Seattle, with $10 000 in cash prizes at stake. Find out what happens next in today’s Knowledge Drop.

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How to Pass Prelims

Learn how to train your mind, understand judges, and throw a killer round to pass prelims.

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advanced hooks & footwork concepts full workshop

in my FREE 30 minute recorded workshop, we go DEEP into the science and technique of HOOKS. Many b-boys & b-girls only see hooks as part of another footwork pattern like the six step, but a master understands it as a concept.

Join me in my FREE workshop to learn how you can use hooks to:

  • clean up your form and make it more powerful
  • flip and create your own moves and patterns
  • boost your agility and strength with my infinite 8-hook combo

PLUS you'll even get to join me for a funky toprock warm-up, where I breakdown a few of my signature toprock steps.

To get access now, just sign up below:

How to Pass Prelims and Never Look Back

If you’re tired of waiting for hours at the jam only to realize you didn’t make it past prelims, you’ve come to the right spot. Today you begin your journey to understand what’s been holding you back from shining and consistently making it past prelims. Once you join the course, I’ll be sending you a series of three videos where I show you how to:

  • train your mind to a champion level
  • understand exactly what the judges are looking for
  • structure your rounds with killer content

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