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Breaking the 2000s Move – How to Do 2000s

How to do 2000s
How to do 2000s

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Adding power moves to your arsenal is how to progress as a b-boy or b-girl, and few moves are as impressive as the 2000s breakdance move. The 2000s move is technically a variation of an earlier move known as the 1990, but many classify it as its own thing.

Regardless, if you’re learning how to breakdance, you need to constantly up your game to keep up with the movers and shakers of the scene. Knowing how to do 2000s lets you add a little flash to your routines.

Let’s go into what you need to know about the 2000s breakdance move. 

What is the 2000s Move?

Unfamiliar with the 2000s move? You may have heard of it as the Millennium or the 2K. They are all names that mean the same move.

Like learning how to do a windmill or studying how to do a flare, it’s important to start with what a move is before you can assess whether you’re ready to begin practicing it. At its heart, the 2000 is a spinning handstand.

Despite needing to hold a handstand position, it’s easier to perform than its predecessor, the 1990. Rather than using one hand to balance yourself, breakers place one hand over the other, letting them use both hands to balance. And two hands are always better than one.

Also, breakers that know how to breakdance take advantage of rapid angular acceleration to make this move as impressive as it looks. This starts with the legs spread wide and then snapping them closed once they start spinning. 

To sum up the science, it works because of the conservation of angular momentum. You’ll also find this principle at the heart of other sports, including gymnastics and figure skating.

How Do Breakers Transition Into 2000s?

The 2000s move can be transitioned into a routine using some of the foundational breaking moves. Once you master your foundation, you’ll see how the magic works and be able to integrate it into your dancing.

For example, learning the perfect practice formula and developing other basic skills, like footwork essentials, will set you up to begin transitioning into what is an advanced move like the 2000. Note that as an advanced move, you should have sufficient control and balance before attempting it.

Like the 1990, early breakers would use swipes, power starts, and six-steps to transition into the move. In the other direction, breakers would transition out of the move with a back freeze or return to their standard standing b-boy stance.

But you can also use headspins, backspins, hollowbacks, and flares. The only glass ceiling regarding transitions is your imagination. 

The History of the 2000s Breakdance Move

Where does the 2000s move come from?

It shouldn’t surprise you that it was developed soon after the 1990 move. However, in this case, nobody is quite sure who invented it, but b-boy Crazy Legs was one of the first to raise it to prominence.

The 2000’s name comes from the move’s futuristic look, indicating that a new era of breaking was coming into being, similar to why the 1990s name came about. Even though the history of breakdance doesn’t even tell us who first came up with the name, it’s been embraced worldwide.

Like the 1990, the 2000 is now viewed as a standard power move, with the top b-boys chaining spins and other power moves in sequence.

How to Do 2000s for Beginners

The 2000s breakdance move is an advanced move. In other words, you should already have enough of a foundation in breaking to tackle this move confidently.

Let’s run through the steps needed to level up your breaking skills and complete your first 2000.

Step One – Begin with Hand Placement

Many breakers ask how breaking can be fresh again, but freshness begins with the tried and tested. Before trying to spin, start in the squat position and practice positioning your right hand correctly.

The secret to how to do 2000s is to ensure that you spin on the bottom corner of your palm. Place your palm on the ground and spread your fingers to make it easier to balance. Remember, your hand should be as close as possible to your body.

Now, place your other hand on top of your hand. Aim to concentrate the weight on the spot you’ll be using to spin. 

Step Two – Prepare for Your Power Kick

Getting into the air from your current position relies on your kick. Ensure you’re wearing shoes for breaking to avoid slipping on the floor. The more power you get behind your kick, the more momentum you’ll generate for your spin. 

However, aim for a slow to medium-speed power kick for this drill. The goal is to complete a single 360-degree revolution rather than attempting to chain multiple spins together at this stage.

Step Three – Kick and Tuck

Your power kick will take you into the air and place all the pressure on the hand you’re using to balance yourself. 

Before going any further, practice aligning your head. Your head should be tucked in slightly and aligned parallel to your arms. If done correctly, your entire body will be straight up in the air.

Step Four – Practice the Spin

If you’re comfortable with the above steps, increase the power of your kick to initiate more momentum and begin spinning. 

This is the part most people struggle with because you’ll need to do all of the above steps simultaneously. It should form one long, flowing action. 

Step Five – Complete and Transition 

Becoming a better b-boy means practice, but once you complete a full 360-degree revolution, you can start thinking about either getting more momentum or transitioning into other moves.

Firstly, the trick to landing with style is to choose a fixed point on the ground. With this in mind, bring down your legs with a slight bend in your knees in a single slow motion. Once your feet hit the ground, choose your next move and continue your set.

Take Your 2000s Breakdance to the Next Level

Practicing alone will allow you to improve your skills. Learning from a great breaking teacher accelerates your progress and lets you train with some of the best in the business. 

At the B-Boy & B-Girl Dojo, we provide easy-to-follow courses with some of the biggest names on the breaking scene. To learn more, sign up for our latest courses today. 

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